Shockwave Treatment for ED

Focused Shockwave Therapy is a safe, effective evidence based treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) and other pelvic health conditions. Treatments are quick, not painful and discreet. This innovative treatment has virtually no risks, side effects or downtime.

See the video below to see how Shockwave Therapy improves erectile dysfunction and the FAQs for information on the process.

Message Ashley on 07871269128 or email to arrange a discreet call back to see how Shockwave could work for you.

We really do care about making sure your treatment and investment is successful and that you stand a great chance of successfully improving your pelvic health. That’s why we will make sure you are an appropriate candidate before commencing treatment, we have the best kit and will back up our effective symptomatic shockwave treatment with an all around Mens health improvement package included in the price of treatment.

There are a few causes of erectile dysfunction in men:

Specifically vascular, endocrine, neural, trauma, medication, psychological or situational factors.

Shockwave therapy helps with vascular erectile dysfunction.  Shockwave Therapy for ED involves passing painless, short, intense focused waves into the affected tissues. These waves increase blood flow, stimulate repair and tissue regeneration. Shockwave Therapy puts the body’s cells into repair mode and restarts its own accelerated healing process.

Repairs: Shockwave Therapy promotes the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) contributing to an improvement of ED symptoms.

Regenerates: Many patients suffer from ED because the smooth muscle in their penile arteries has been damaged. Shockwave Therapy has been shown to induce the body to repair the smooth muscle in the penis and thus improve function.

If you do not have a diagnosis of the cause of your ED we can help you to get one or at least rule out the other causes so that if you commence treatment we know we are treating the right cause and stand a good change of improvement. If we find you don’t have vascular ED or don’t stand a good chance of success we will point you in the right direction for help and be as honest an open about chances of success based on your condition

There are a few causes of erectile dysfunction in men:

Specifically vascular, endocrine, neural, trauma, medication, psychological or situational factors.

Shockwave therapy helps with vascular erectile dysfunction.

If you already have a vascular ED diagnosis and other factors are under control we can commence treatment. If you don’t have a diagnosis we can help you to get one via a quick screening chat and then either private or GP blood tests. This can be explained before booking a session personally.

We have a Storz Duolith SD1 T Top focused shockwave device. This is a high end device and the device that research studies use shown to be effective for erectile dysfunction amongst other musculoskeletal conditions.

Sessions are £195 per session if you require 6 sessions and discounted to £145 if you require 12 sessions

Mens health starter package included in your course cost if you wish to uptake the offer

Course length will be decided based on your condition.

A few factors that we will consider when we would recommend 12:-

IIEF score below 12 (Check the link for your score)


All diabetics

Whilst it’s your choice our recommendations are based on the science to give you the best chance of success.

Sessions can either be once or twice per week or even alternate weeks but the effect is cumulative so you need to complete the course to stand the best chance of success. Then the healing and regeneration happens in the time period (12-16 weeks) after your course.

IIEF is a standardised questionnaire that helps establish a score out of 30 to measure your erectile dysfunction.

This would be completed and recorded prior to your course and then 3 months after your course.

Check your score here 

Then subjectively patients notice a difference firstly in nocturnal and morning erections 4-6 weeks after their course and an improvement in sexual function in the time period follow this.

Shockwave therapy is very safe, has very few side affects, requires no downtime. There are a few things we need to check and now about your general health to make sure its appropriate first. This will be done prior to treatment.

Whilst we never make promises we can’t keep then the research is pretty compelling showing a 70% success rate.

This number may go down with additional health conditions or severity or be further improved with additional lifestyle changes

Check some of the studies out 

Shockwaves are first applied directly to the shaft of the penis. This is painless. You will have some sensations that treatment is being applied but no pain.

Second, shockwaves are applied to the crura region of the pelvis. This is either side of your prostate at the top of your groin below your adductor tendons. This can be a little uncomfortable sometimes as there are nerves in there we are trying to stimulate but never more than a 5/10. Feedback will be sort theourhtout the treatment to ensure the treatment is still comfortable.

After treatment then sometime you may have some awareness/aching in groin area or sensation when urinating. This shouldn’t be more than mild feeling and pass within 48 hrs. The shaft area should not hurt after treatment.

Treatment is applies directly to the shaft of the penis and the crura regions of the pelvis. This need to be done directly on the skin using ultrasound gel on the unit and skin as a conductor for the waves. This cannot be done through clothing or underwear. This means you will have to expose yourself for a short time whilst treatment takes place. We do not provide a chaperone but feel free to provide your own if you wish. we use gloves and clean down everything before and after treatment. See the image below for reference.

There are some reasons why we wouldn’t treat you

These are:-

Prostate cancer, and some groups we would like a PSA screen before starting treatment

current cancer elsewhere and undergoing treatment. Previous history if all clear for at least 3 months is ok

Some medications

Kidney disease

Then some other groups aren’t contraindicated but don’t stand a great chance of success but this will be discussed before treatment.

So all the discussion and pre screening will be done on the phone mostly and can be done discreetly at a time to suit you. Then we are a multidisciplinary clinic inside a sports centre that sees people for lots of different musculoskeletal condition so there is no knowing whether you are there for a sore back or erectile dysfunction. We have made efforts to ensure that the environment is comfortable for your treatment. There are no big ED signs or literature on the door.

See the meet Ashley tab above. Ashley runs the clinic and has been a shockwave practitioner since 2020, adding mens health later, and a sports therapist since 2009. He sees lots of different complaints through the week including erectile dysfunction. He is really keen on running his clinic ethically and holistically hence the offer of free personal training sessions and nutritional help in conjunction with your course.

6 Sessions

  • Message to arrange a discreet call

12 Sessions

  • Message to arrange a discreet call

Mens Health Package

Our clinic stands out by combining ED treatment with overall health improvement for optimal results. We address both symptoms and underlying causes, utilizing lifestyle interventions proven to improve ED by a minimal 20% on your IIEF score.

We don’t just treat the symptoms but we can help the cause as well.

Treatment includes x2 one to one personal training sessions with our expert Sam, focusing on:

Nutrition – Take control of your Diabetes, Inflammation and improve Vascular health

Weight loss – A 15% improvement for a (very achievable) 10% reduction in body weight

Alcohol/Smoking Reduction – Studies show a 25% improvement in ED from smoking cessation & reduced (not T-total) alcohol consumption

Exercise – Learn how to lift weights effectively and efficiently for an additional 15% improvement

This holistic approach, combined with Shockwave Treatment, ensures comprehensive care and improved quality of life.

Participation is optional but recommended for maximum benefit alongside shockwave treatment.